Wednesday 28 March 2007

Privacy and Risks

A common question,

"Since AGLOCO Membership and Viewbar software is free, what cost is there, is privacy stable, and what are the risks involved?"

The answer to that question is simple,

Signing up takes less than two minutes, the Viewbar download is a one-time install process (updates will be processed automatically), the Viewbar uses a small section of space at the bottom of the screen and the current limit of 5 hours of browsing each month is accrued passively while the Viewbar is active on the desktop. AGLOCO only has once a month Member update emails, so overall the ‘cost’ of AGLOCO has been kept very low.

Are there risks? Member Privacy is absolutely secure, and there is little else the Member is putting out there to be ‘risked’.

About The CPO ( Chief Privacy Officer)

Called the "dean of corporate privacy officers" by Inter@ctive Week Magazine, Ray Everett-Church is an internationally recognized expert on privacy law and Internet-related public policy. Joining the infomediary firm in 1999, he became the world's first Chief Privacy Officer, creating a position that would be hailed as one of the most important privacy developments of the year 2000. Since then, many companies – including IBM, Microsoft, Bank of America, AT&T and American Express – have followed suit, appointing their own Chief Privacy Officers to manage their privacy issues.

Ray currently serves as Chief Privacy Officer for ePrivacy Group. Previously he founded PrivacyClue LLC, a privacy-oriented consultancy, and prior to his work at AllAdvantage, he was an attorney with the Washington, DC-area telecommunications law firm of Haley Bader & Potts, PLC (now part of Garvey Schubert & Barer).

My Own Opinion...

Personally, i have now been a member of Agloco for just over two months, and i too sat back and waited to see what was going to happen. Are people going to get involved? Is it risky? Seems i sat back pondering for too long.

The membership grew at an astonishing rate, and for a Company that is currently still in testing mode, it truly shows how well planned, and secure this company really is.

Agloco is now #5 in the Google rankings, so ask yourself, how does a company get such a large amount of interest, if there isn't something unique about them?

Why sit back and wonder. Joining is free, and you will be part of one of the fastest growing organizations ever seen on the internet.

To sign up click here.

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